Feathers、 Horns and Guardians (HB) A Study of Social Transition in an African Community
石田 慎一郎
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- 発売日: 2024年03月25日頃
- 著者/編集: 石田 慎一郎(著)
- シリーズ: Feathers、 Horns and Guardians
- 出版社: 京都大学学術出版会
- 発行形態: 単行本
- ページ数: 242p
- ISBN: 9784814005369
The Îgembe region of Kenya is a rich agricultural area on the equator, where people live in a unique time-world. Whenever a problem arises, people do not hasten to a conclusion, but ‘wait’ as a means of solution. This does not mean doing nothing. It is simply acknowledging the bene?ts of waiting for a time when the community is better able to resolve the issue.
An important characteristic of this indigenous community is its orientation toward communal intentions and exclusion of individualism. In over 20 years of research and extensive ?eldwork, the author has traced the major social and historical turning points such as the price collapse of coffee beans, which had supported the local economy, as well as the accumulation of social events such as collective sanctions against sexual predators and multiple homicide compensation claims, to observe how internal village con?icts, initially dif?cult to resolve by consensus, are overcome by waiting, before rallying to regain ‘communal intent’ by ‘concealing’ the individual.
This ethnography portrays a contemporary African agrarian people living between their unique time-world, their views of humanity and social structure, the institutions of state governance, and the global cash crop economy.
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Photos
Chapter 1 A farming community: Circuit cultivation in transition
Chapter 2 The field is theirs: Kûrûmithua ndewa, age-class formation and the persistence of local memory
Chapter 3 Man who never dies: Clan revival for new generations
Chapter 4 The Athimba: Fifteen years of clan making in a local context
Chapter 5 Clanship and îchiaro: The individual, the depersonalised and the indeterminate
Chapter 6 Feathers and guardians: The perpetu”
Chapter 7 Transcending inner conflicts: Election day for the Athimba clan
Appendix 1 Homicide compensation in Kenya
Appendix 2 A witchcraft accusation in Mûringene in September 2005
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